Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Days to Come

If you’re worried about something or someone that is in your control, take the initiative to change or improve the situation. 

If you’re worried about something or someone that is out of your control, you’re allowing your ego to take over and impair your ability to be happy with life.

There are many scenarios that this applies to, so I’m trying to make it general to get my message across. 

Worrying, about anything is emotionally draining. What is really upsetting is when you start excessively worrying about something or someone. It drains so much energy out of you because you’re consumed by stress and/or worry. Typically, whatever it is that you’re worrying about, are things that you can’t control or change at that MOMENT. The feeling can be overwhelming, and is usually very distracting. 

If this ever happens to you, try to focus on the present moment; don’t look behind or ahead of you because you’ll be missing out on how good things are right now. If you channel your attention to the present, you wouldn’t be so likely to worry about tomorrow. Take control and be aware of your thoughts, and your use your energy to focus on the good, not the bad. 

We all struggle, and there are always going to be things weighing on our minds. What’s important is not to over analyze something and let it take control. If it does, you’re essentially losing energy that could have otherwise been used for something positive, something rewarding. Be aware of where you use your energy the most. Surround yourself with people, places, and situations that promote a happy, healthy lifestyle.

The people in our lives often affect our worry or stress. I believe that the people and things you surround yourself with should not bring you down; they should compliment you and support your life in every way. That includes friends, families, co-workers, significant others, etc. Still, we commonly have people or situations in our life that cause more struggle or stress than ease and happiness. 

This is inevitable, but with some optimism and awareness, I’ve found a way to make the trials in my life easier to accept and live with. And this is how I’ve learned to help the struggling people around me: by bettering myself.

When you eliminate negativity out of your daily life, and worry less, you have a more clear approach at your individual happiness. As a result, you can spend more energy bettering who you are or who you hope to become. When you make a positive difference in yourself, the people you surround yourself with will respond differently to you. They will notice a positive change, and in return, it could affect them in a positive way. 

You can’t teach anyone how to live their life, but you can have a positive affect on those around you.

You can worry about that because how you’re perceived is completely under your control. You, and only you, can truly change that. 

If the people you surround yourself with don’t feel the same, or aren’t necessarily a positive influence in your life, take a step back to decide whether or not they’re supposed to be in your life. If they’re not, remove them, or remove yourself.

People come into and out of our life for a reason. They do not define us but, in a slight way, they mold who we become. We pick up on their positive or even negative behaviors, and translate those behaviors into our own. And when I say this I don’t mean we “copy” them. I believe it’s an intake of personality, ambitions, mannerisms, etc. Those things can become a part of you; make sure you choose the positive. As the old saying goes, choose your friends wisely.  

Stay aware of what you want, what you can control, and where your energy is most valuably utilized in your day-to-day life. Be true to yourself, and everything else will fall into place. 


  1. You echo the thoughts that I've been afraid to accept.. But I'm glad you did.. I've focused so much on the future or past that my present seems clouded.. Thanks sis for this :) love Shilpa :)

    1. I have to constantly remind myself to appreciate the present. I find writing and sharing it makes it easier for me to take my own advise. I'm glad it made a positive impact sis :) xx
